
North Walsall Primary Academy takes the safeguarding of our pupils seriously. Your child’s safety is of paramount importance and we have procedures in place to ensure that your child is kept safe both in and out of school.

Our school follows the child protection procedures as defined by Walsall Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB and multi-agency threshold guidance. We work with partners to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people.

We have a team of staff responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding and our Safeguarding lead is the Principal (Mr N Thompson). The team meets regularly with the lead governors for safeguarding to monitor the impact of what we have in place; also ensuring we adhere to all legislation.

  • Safe recruitment of staff– including training of interview panel references and all DBS checks.
  • Clear and regularly reviewed policies for child protection, behaviour, safeguarding and many other related policies.
  • We hold regular discussions with the children regarding what is in place in our academy to keep them safe and to improve awareness of their personal safety, including what to do and who to speak to if they have any worries or concerns.
  • E safety– we have clear procedures that all children use, in order to improve their safety whilst on the internet at school and at home. We regularly remind parents the importance of keeping their children safe on the internet and to assist this we hold regular parent workshops in School.
  • We don’t tolerate bullying and necessary procedures are in place, if there are any concerns or issues.
  • Educational visits are always risk assessed. We ensure the ratio of adults to children meets or exceeds requirements, so that your children can enjoy their school trips!
  • Health and Safety must be rigorous at all times. Our Regional Estates Manager has termly meetings with the Principal to monitor and discuss all aspects of H&S.
  • We teach the children many aspects of their personal safety through our curriculum. Discussions on safety measures and how they can keep themselves safe take place regularly.
  • We provide a termly safeguarding report to governors. This ensures all aspects of safety provision are up to date.
  • We have a strong belief in partnership working with our families. Our open door policy means that effective communication can take place at all times.

    Our Safeguarding Team:

Mrs J Dell  (Designated Safeguarding Officer) email:

Mrs M Winwood (Deputy Safeguarding Officer) email:

Miss S Khera, Miss C Walters Safeguarding Officers

Safeguarding Contacts:

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please find below useful contact numbers:

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) -Tina Cooper

01922 654040  07432 422205

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – 0300 555 2866 option 2 – out of hours

Emergency Response Team- 0845 111 2922

NSPCC – 0800 028 0285

ChildLine- 0800 1111

Please take a look at our policies;

Keeping Children Safe in Education



Safeguarding Policy

Safer Recruitment

Useful numbers for parents

Working Together to Safeguard-Children