Year 1 Staff

Teacher    Miss H Randall-Williams

TA    Mrs A Helsdon

Apprentice TA Miss Z Ali




Make sure you have signed up to Class Dojo so that you can ask any questions, have your work marked, ask for any login details and just to keep in touch!

Log in to Doodle Maths,English, Times Tables or Spell to complete so activities.

Complete the wider curriculum activities by accessing Purple Mash using your login details. Click on the ‘to do’ link and attempt the work set. After completion, save your work and click on the ‘hand in’ button.

Use White Rose Maths to watch instructional videos and then answer the accompanying worksheets.

Oxford Reading Buddy provides a motivating and friendly virtual environment where children have their own digital Reading Buddy to coach reading and comprehension skills.

Teaching resources and interactive resources pupils and parents