Walsall’s Early Help Strategy

Our vision is to make Walsall an “early help” place by helping families at the earliest point, improving children’s and young people’s life chances and reducing demand for specialist / crisis services.

Our vision is underpinned by a number of Early Help principles developed and agreed with partners.

Early Help:

  1. Is everyone’s business – at first point of contact, all agencies are committed to responding to the needs of families whether that need falls within their immediate area of expertise or not;
  2. Is about empowerment – families are central to defining and addressing the problems they face  and are equal partners in the process. The voice of the child will be sought at all stages with appropriate respect for age, development stage and levels of understanding;
  3. Is about intervention at the earliest stage of identification and is inclusive for children and families of all ages from birth onwards.

Get in Touch:

Email Us: earlyhelpleadprofessional@walsall.gov.uk

Call Us: 0300 555 2866 (Option 1)
If you would like more information on Early Help please speak to Mrs C Everson by booking an appointment via the office.